Transform your art reference library

by Ross Karlan, Director of Art Muse LA in Miami, 1 April 2023.

As artists and art historians, having a robust library is always on our minds here at Art Muse LA. In keeping with this month’s Art Muse LA Premium theme, below are some suggestions for books, catalogues, and additions to your library collection that might be a bit more off the beaten path and less traditional. 

Another World: The Transcendental Painting Group (2021)

Edited by Michael Duncan

Enjoy this enlightening catalogue on the Transcendental Painting Group in conjunction with Art Muse LA’s April programming surrounding the Another World exhibition at LACMA. Also, be sure to check out Regina Mamou’s virtual and in-person programs and our studio visit and conversation with artist Caris Reid.

African Artists From 1882 to Now (2021)

Edited by Chika Okele-Agulu & Joseph L. Underwood

Reflecting on one of our January virtual programs, African Artists From 1882 to Now, is an incredible resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge outside the contemporary Western canon and dive deep into the diverse world of contemporary African art. 

Women of Abstract Expressionism (2016)

Edited by Irving Sandler & Joan Marter

Nothing says breaking with tradition quite like the women of the Abstract Expressionist movement. Let this exceptionally edited book be your guide to the worlds of Helen Frankehnthaler, Sonia Getchoff, Lee Krasner, Deborah Remington, and many others. 

Juan de Pareja: Afro-Hispanic Painter in the Age of Velazquez (2023)

By David Pullins & Vanessa K. Valdés

You may know Diego Velazquez’s famous portrait of Juan de Pareja, but did you know that Pareja had an art career of his own? This book includes a list of works attributed to Pareja and brings a new perspective to his life as a freed slave and active painter.

The Story of NFTs: Artists, Technology, and Democracy (2023)

By Amy Whitaker & Nora Burnett Adams

Do you really want to break with all artistic traditions and learn about the world of blockchains, Web3, and digital art? NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a wild new side of contemporary art, especially in relation to digital art and conserving art on digital platforms. Dive in to learn more about what very well might be the future of collecting. 

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